Containers and Packaging Custom Design
As a packaging distributor, C.L. Smith prides itself on providing you with the highest level of packing solutions possible, including solutions that have not even been thought of yet! We understand the daily challenges that manufacturers face—because we’re one too—so we have first-hand experience when it comes to understanding that “no one size fits all” — every customer has its own unique challenges.
With extensive network of superior packaging Suppliers, we’re able to cover most packaging needs; however when something new pops up, we stand ready to meet the challenge. Our Design Team will work with you and our Suppliers to come up with the best solution for your custom product package design opportunity—whether it’s a decorative need, a new design need, or both!
We pride ourselves on being able to transform our custom design expertise into product actualization for customer opportunities of all sizes—whether large or small. When it comes to product packaging design, we understand the need to follow a very systematic design process to ensure your successful results.
Please visit our Custom Design Product Gallery to view examples of customization projects launched in the past.
Our Design Team is anxious to partner with you to create newly designed items to your own specifications. We’re here to function as an extension of your business–to give you more value—not more to manage.

Need More Information?
Please contact one of our Packaging Specialist experts for help with all of your Performance, Regulatory, or any other needs related to custom or stock packaging!
(800) 264-1202 | office phone number
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