C.L. Smith is a manufacturer and distributor of packaging materials that are essential to mitigate the viral spread of COVID-19.
As such, C.L. Smith is an Essential Business per the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”), Guidance on the Essential and Critical Workforce (attached). All divisions of C.L. Smith are considered Essential: C.L. Smith Distribution (Warehousing & Distribution), Lyons Blow Molding (Bottle Manufacturing), HAZPlus (Hazardous Material Packaging Manufacturer) and will remain open & fully operational. At this time our customers can expect:
- All facilities will continue operating under normal business hours
- All shipping & receiving operations functioning at normal levels
- Continued commitment to service our customers with U.S. based manufacturing & domestically sourced materials
- Essential employees only at all facilities to limit the possible spread of the virus
- Employees able to perform their duties remotely are doing so
- Communication lines functioning seamlessly
- Should you experience any phone or email communication issues, please contact info@clsmith.com
- Strict adherence to IFS PACSecure (food safe) operating procedures at our facilities, including additional & routine surface cleaning, as well as social distancing
- Constant communication and collaboration with our supply chain partners regarding product availability
- Lead times may fluctuate based on increased demand for packaging used to prevent the spread of the virus
- Please submit your orders as early as possible to reduce potential fulfillment delays
Any cases of virus diagnosis or exposure within our facilities will result in immediate implementation of our Pandemic Emergency/Contingency Plan to limit supply chain disruptions to our customers.
Should you have any additional needs or concerns, please contact your C.L. Smith Packaging Consultant.
We thank you for your patience & support. Our commitment to our customers during this unprecedented time is unwavering. Now more than ever, we are proudly all in for you!